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Required Posting

ERATE 2023-24 – eRate Form 470 Questions and Answers

See this link for questions and answers addendum to the RFP for all participating vendors to download/review.

Notification of Compliance with Title I, Part A Comparability of Services Requirement for School Year 2023-2024.

ESSA Public Notice on Possible Grant Applications

In accordance with United States Code (U.S.C.) Annotated, Title 20, Chapter 70, Subchapter VIII, Part C, Section 7846, and Public law (P.L.) 114-95, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Section 8306, an entity planning to submit a federal grant application must afford a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the application before it is submitted.

This is the notice to the public community that Whitewright I.S.D. is in the process of or has the intention to apply for the following ESSA Grants:

  • Title I, Part A - Improving the Academic Achievement of Students: This grant provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (L.E.A.s) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.
  • Title II, Part A - Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High-Quality Teachers and Principals: This grant provides funds to support districts to increase student academic achievement through strategies such as improving teacher and principal quality, increasing the number of highly qualified teachers in the classroom, and highly qualified principals and assistant principals in schools.
  • Title III, Part A - Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students: This grant intends to help ensure that children who are limited English proficient, including immigrant children and youth, attain English proficiency, develop high levels of academic attainment in English, and meet the same challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards as all children are expected to meet. 
  • Title IV, Part A — Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities: This grant intends to support programs that prevent violence in and around schools; that prevent the illegal use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs; that involve parents and communities; and that are coordinated with related Federal, State, school, and community efforts and resources to foster a safe and drug-free learning environment.

Title IX

Whitewright ISD’s Title IX administrators have attended Eichelbaum Wardell Hansen Powell & Muñoz P.C.’s “2024 Texas Title IX Administrator Conference.” Materials from this conference in compliance with Section 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D) of the regulations can be found here: 2024 Texas Title IX Conference Materials

Whitewright ISD Public Notice

On May 12, 2022, Whitewright ISD gives public notice of the district’s intention to submit an application for the 2022-2023 ESSA, Carl Perkins, and Special Education IDEA-B federal grant application with the Texas Education Agency.  

If there is any member of the public who wants to provide a comment regarding Whitewright ISD’s application for the 2022-2023 grant application, the public is invited to submit any comments to Whitewright ISD on or before June 24, 2022 via

Whitewright ISD gives public notice of the district’s intention to submit an application for the 2023-2024 ESSA Federal Grant application with the Texas Education AgencyIf there is any member of the public who wants to provide a comment regarding Whitewright ISD’s application for the 2022-2023 ESSA Federal Grant application is invited to submit any comments to Whitewright ISD on or before June 24, 2024 via

Whitewright Independent School District ACCREDITED
The Texas Education Agency awards an accreditation status to each public school district and charter school.  The accreditation status is based on the academic accountability rating and financial ratings from the Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas.

Whitewright ISD Administrative Postings to meet Required Postings Provisions
Notice of School Board Meetings
SB 1133 79th Legislature requires a school district to post notices of meetings of the school board on the district’s website.  Also WWISD post a notice/agenda in the shadow box at the Administration Office prior to the meeting date.  The Internet posting is in addition to any other posting required.  The validity of a notice or agenda is not affected by a failure to comply with requirement under the new section that is due to a technical problem beyond the control of the school district.
Location:  Board Meeting Dates
Additional Information:  Board of Trustees web page

Campus Report Card, Performance Report, District Rating
Education Code, §39.362 as amended by HB 3 (81st Legislature) require a school district that maintains a website to post the most recent campus report card for each campus in the district, the information is the most recent performance report, the most recent accreditation status and performance rating of the district, and a definition and explanation of each accreditation status and performance rating.

  • Link to Academic Performance Reports:  TAPR
  • Link to District & Campus Accountability Ratings:  Accountability

Texas Academic Performance Report
Title 19 Administrative Code, §61.1022(f) requires the local board of trustees to disseminate the report by posting it on the school district’s website.
Location:  TAPR

Annual Federal Report Card
(20 U.S.C.6311(h)(2)(E) requires a school district to post its annual federal report card on its website.
Location:  TEA (Federal Report Card)

Title I Part A Parent/Family Engagement Policy
Whitewright ISD is a Title Campus that receives title funds to enhance academic programs for our elementary and middle school.

Whitewright Elementary and Middle School School/Family Compact
A school-parent compact is a way to create a partnership between the school and home that focuses on helping students be successful.  

School Board’s Employment Policies
Education Code, §21.204(d) requires a school district to post the employment policies on its website.

Conflict Disclosure Statement and Questionnaires
Local Government Code §176.009(a) requires access to statements and questionnaires on the school district’s website.
Location:  Conflict of Interest Statements

Annual Financial Report: Annual Financial Report

Annual Financial Report of Debt Obligation
Local Government Code, §140.008(c-d)requires a school district to continuously post on its website the annual financial report of debt obligation until a new annual report is issued.  Allows a school district to post a link to the comptroller’s website, if the information was provided to the comptroller in lieu of preparing an annual financial report.
Location: 2022 Debt Transparency, 2023 Debt Transparency, 2024 Debt Transparency

Main Office Contact Information
Local Government Code, §140.008(f)(2) requires a school district to continuously post on its website the contact information for the main office, including the physical address, the mailing address, the main telephone number, and an email address.
Location:  Administration

Vacancy Postings
Education Code, §11.1513(d)(1)(B) allows a school district to post a notice of a vacant position requiring a certificate or license on its website.
Location:  Employment Opportunities

Summary of Proposed Budget
Education Code, §44.0041 (a)(1) requires a school district to post on the district’s website a summary of the proposed budget, which must be concurrently posted with the notice of the budget meeting.

2022-2023          2023-2024            2024-2025

Adopted Budget
Education Code, §44.0051 (a) requires a school district to prominently display on the district’s website for three years an electronic link to the budget adopted by the board of trustees.

2019-2020          2020-2021          2021-2022        

2022-2023          2023-2024

Notice of public meeting to discuss proposed tax rate.

Notice of Public Meeting 2023-2024

Notice of Public Meeting 2024-2025

High School Personal Graduation Plan
Education Code, §28.02121 (b) requires a school district to post information about the distinguished level of achievement and each endorsement on its website.
Location:  Graduation Plan

Transition and Employment Guide
Education Code, §29.0112(e)(1) requires a school district to post the transition and employment guide developed for students enrolled in special education programs on its website.
Location:  Special Programs

Dyslexia and Public Acknowledgement HB1886

Testing for Home Schooled Students
Education Code, §29,916(c) requires a school district to post on its website the dates that PSAT/NMSQT or any college advanced placement test will be administered, the availability of the exams to home schooled students, and the procedures to register for them.
Location:  District Testing Calendar

Programs and Services for Homeless Students
Education Code, §33.906(a) Requires a school district to post information regarding local programs and services available to assist homeless students on its website.
Location:  Homeless Program

Bullying Reporting Procedure
Education Code, §37.0832(e) requires a school district to post on its website the procedure for reporting bullying.
Location:  Bullying Information

College Credit Programs
Education Code, §28.010(b) allows a school district to post on its website a notice regarding the availability of college credit programs in the district.
Location:  HS student handbook

Physical Activity Policies
Education Code, §28.004(k) requires a school district to post on its website a statement of its physical activity policies for elementary and middle school students and statement of the number of times during the preceding year the health advisory council met, whether the district has adopted and enforces the policies to ensure that campuses are complying with vending machine and food service guidelines, whether the district has adopted and enforces policies that penalizes the use of tobacco products by students, and a statement providing notice to parents that they can request in writing their child’s physical fitness assessment results at the end of the school year.
Location:  SHAC (Board Policy)  Wellness Policy Assessment

Immunization Awareness
Education Code, §38.019(a) requires a school district to prominently post in English and Spanish the immunizations required for public school, any immunizations or vaccines recommended for public school students, any health clinics that offer the influenza vaccine and a link to the Department of State Health Services website where a person can learn about the procedures to claim an exemption from the immunization requirements.
Location:  Immunization Awareness 

Electricity, Water, and Natural Gas Usage and Cost.
Location:  Administration

Information on each Assessment Required by the State to Comply with 20 U.S.C. §6311, Other Assessments Required by the State, and Assessments Required District-Wide
Location:  Testing Guidelines

School Health Advisory Council – The SHAC met four times during the preceding school year.  Whitewright ISD has adopted and enforces policies to ensure that campuses are complying with vending machine and food service guidelines.  WISD has also adopted and enforces policies that penalize the use of tobacco products by students.  Parents can request their child's physical fitness assessment results at the end of the school year by contacting the camps principal.
Location:  Board Policy

Public Information Requests – Citizens requesting to review or obtain public information should do so by mail to: Whitewright ISD, Attn: Adriane Howard, P.O.Box 888, Whitewright, TX 75491  or emailed to Adriane Howard. The written request should include enough description and detail about the information requested to enable the district to accurately identify and locate the information requested.

Physical Activity Policies- GDF Legal, EHAB Legal, EIF Local, EHAA Legal, and FFA Legal

Notification of Nondiscrimination in CTE Programs (English) Notification of Nondiscrimination in CTE Programs (Spanish)

Supplement/Not Supplant Compliance Requirement

Whitewright ISD Statistics

Tax Rate

Texas Landowner's Bill of Rights

Prekindergarten Family Engagement Plan

SB 139 –  Notice to Families – English 

SB 139 – Notice to Families – Spanish 

Child Find Contact- English

Child Find Contact- Spanish

Dyslexia, MTSS, IDEA, and 504 Information

Delayed or Denied Evaluations & Compensatory Services in English & Evaluaciones Retrasadas o Denegadas & Servicios Compensatorios en español

Internet Posting Requirements for Political Subdivision

2021-2022 School Year Guidelines Covid Response and Protocols

EDGAR ManualThese federal grant policies and procedures are applicable to all federal grants awarded to the District. All employees who deal with federal grants must be familiar with them and must fully comply with all requirements contained herein.